PLAYIN 4 JESUS was created in 2008 to address the urgent social and humanitarian needs in Panama's youth.
Moved by the Spirit of God, a group of men decided a change had to be made in the youth in El Chorrillo, Panama.
An area that at one point was the center of culture of Panama, had now become a crime and drug infested area where the youth of the area had no direction.
Sports ministry broadly falls into two categories—ministry to sport and ministry through sport:
Ministry to sport means serving sport in the name of Jesus; sports chaplaincy5 is a good example of this. The term ‘serving the people of sport’ is also used. This is helping the (often) elite sportsperson to practice their sport Christianly as well bringing church to them when competition stops them getting to a local Sunday service.
Ministry through sport is seeing sport as an evangelistic opportunity. This might involve running sports events with an evangelistic purpose, starting a church sports team to draw in outsiders, operating a fitness centre for the community as part of the church’s programme, or distributing leaflets or video material with a gospel message in the language of sport, often using the testimony of high-profile Christian athletes.